A governance framework in the context of blockchain and Decentralized Autonomous Organizations (DAOs) refers to the structured set of rules, processes, and mechanisms through which decisions are made, implemented, and managed within the network or organization. This framework outlines how proposals are submitted, debated, voted on, and executed, ensuring that all actions align with the organization's goals and values.

In blockchain networks, governance frameworks help maintain the protocol's integrity, adapt to technological advancements, and respond to the community's needs. For DAOs, the governance framework is crucial for operational efficiency, as it dictates the way in which changes to the protocol, token distribution, and project developments are agreed upon and enacted by token holders or designated governance bodies.

Effective governance frameworks balance decentralization with the need for efficient decision-making, often incorporating mechanisms such as token-based voting, delegation, and consensus models to reflect the community's voice while preventing gridlock. As blockchain technology and DAOs evolve, developing robust and adaptable governance frameworks remains a key challenge and area of innovation, ensuring that these decentralized systems can grow sustainably and responsively.

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