What is Staking?

Staking in blockchain technology is a process that allows network participants to lock up a certain amount of the network's native cryptocurrency in a wallet to support the operations and security of a blockchain network. This mechanism is primarily used in proof-of-stake (PoS) and its variants, where the right to validate transactions and create new blocks is proportional to the amount of cryptocurrency a participant, or validator, has staked or locked up as collateral.

How Does Staking Work?

Staking involves participants committing their crypto assets to the blockchain network to be selected as validators. Validators are responsible for verifying transactions, creating new blocks, and maintaining the network's integrity. The staked assets serve as a form of security deposit, ensuring validators act in the network's best interest; malicious actions can lead to penalties, such as losing a portion of their staked assets.

  1. Locking Assets: Participants lock up their cryptocurrency in a wallet designated for staking. See more about token locking on Colony here and here.
  2. Becoming a Validator: Depending on the amount staked and the network's specific rules, participants may become validators and take part in network governance.
  3. Earning Rewards: Validators receive rewards, typically in the form of additional cryptocurrency, based on their staked amount and the validation work they perform.

Staking on Colony

On Colony, contributors stake native tokens for each action, either in support or against. Users may stake as many tokens for either side depending on how much reputation in the team the motion is created in.

Benefits of Staking

  • Network Security: Staking incentivizes validators to act honestly, securing the network against attacks and fraudulent transactions.
  • Passive Income: Participants can earn rewards, creating a potential source of passive income through the crypto assets they stake.
  • Energy Efficiency: Compared to proof-of-work (PoW) systems, staking is more energy-efficient, reducing the environmental impact of blockchain technology.
  • Governance Participation: Staking often comes with the ability to participate in the governance of the network, giving stakers a say in decisions and future developments. This is how staking is most often executed on Colony.
Photo by Shubham's Web3 / Unsplash

Considerations for Staking

While staking offers various benefits, there are considerations and risks involved:

  • Liquidity: Staked assets are locked for a period, reducing liquidity and access to those funds for other investments or trades.
  • Slashing Risks: Validators engaging in dishonest or disruptive behavior risk losing a portion of their staked assets.
  • Volatility: The value of rewards earned through staking can fluctuate due to the volatile nature of cryptocurrency prices.


Staking is a fundamental aspect of the proof-of-stake mechanism, offering a way for participants to support and secure blockchain networks while earning rewards. It represents a shift towards more energy-efficient and participatory models of blockchain governance and security. Whether you're looking to contribute to the security of a network, or participate in governance, staking provides a compelling avenue within the evolving landscape of blockchain technology.

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