DAO Wyoming’s DUNA: What does it mean for DAOs? Wyoming's DUNA legislation aims to create a new legal entity for DAOs and shift the regulatory landscape. But should all DAOs become DUNAs?
Community How ShapeShift uses Colony DeFi Protocol and DAO ShapeShift has long used Colony to pay their contributors. Find out how they use Colony's DAO platform in this post.
Future of Work How DAOs are changing the way we work with Superteam Colony's Jack du Rose connects with Superteam, a top learning platform for crypto and DeFi to share about how DAOs are changing the future of work.
DAO Sign up for Colony v2 Early Access Earlier this week we announced the soft-launch of Colony v2 on 15th Feb 2021, and there was much rejoicing.
DAO Colony v2 Launch 🚀 🎉 🥳 Colony v2 will soft launch on Ethereum mainnet and xDai at 17:00 UTC (ish) on 15th February 2021.
ICO Introducing Coin Machine 🎰 A simple way to sell tokens. Ethereum’s DeFi sector is vibrant and growing, with many projects presenting sophisticated proposals for putting financial services on the blockchain. Among these, the problem of fundraising—
Community Colony 2020 and Beyond In this interview with Colony co-Founder, Jack Du Rose, we explore the future of the firm courtesy of Colony.
Community The Crypto Network as City, and their Possibilities Beyond COVID The COVID crisis has forced us to change how we move, work, and communicate. How might this push us to realize otherwise-overlooked possibilities of association? In work, at home, and throughout the spaces
DAO DAOdigest #2 Our favorite stories covering the future of work and decentralized governance. PayPal tests tokenized employee incentives. The gig economy battle continues. Radical ideas are recognized. And more.
Decentralized Governance Introducing BudgetBox BudgetBox: a decentralized capital allocation mechanism (i.e. “way of distributing money”).
Education An Ethereum Platform for Decentralized Autonomous Organizations Learn about the vision behind Colony's platform for decentralized autonomous organizations by founder Jack du Rose at this exclusive presentation